11 Low-Cost Lactation Recipes To Boost Your Milk Supply

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Breastfeeding – that natural and simple process that just happens so easily when you have a baby – ha! Well, that may be the case for some, but not for me.

I so desperately want to nurse my baby and honestly did not think I’d struggle with it as bad as I did.

I remember sitting with a midwife squeezing the life out of my boob trying to get something to come out while my newborn screamed the house down (I really HATED sharing a room at that point and wished we had a private room, just for a moment).

I begged and begged for some formula so I could give my baby a bottle just to calm him down but they were having none of it.

So persist I did. And eventually, breastfeeding became simpler.

The second time around I knew what I was in for, so I searched far and wide for the best lactation recipes to make nursing easier and stay within our budget.

I’m pleased to share them with you below.

Lactation Recipes

About Emma Healey

Emma is a recognised family finance and budgeting expert and founder of Mum's Money. Her advice has been featured in Readers Digest, Yahoo Finance, Lifehacker, The Simple Dollar, MSN Money and more.