Comments on: The Mind Trick That Cured My Credit Card Addiction and Got Me Out of Debt Make it, Save it, Spend it Wisely Wed, 08 May 2024 01:37:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronald Fri, 14 Dec 2018 11:40:48 +0000 Great tips and financial advice. Years ago I found myself in similar scenarios. What learned was to #1. Pay yourself first and #2. Live within your means.

By: Emma Healey Thu, 02 Nov 2017 22:40:21 +0000 In reply to Dawn.

Thanks Dawn!

By: Dawn Wed, 01 Nov 2017 12:17:22 +0000 I love the paying cash at the window for your bill weekly idea. You manifested paying the debt in full and the cash to do it with your actions and motivation!

By: Emma Healey Sun, 16 Oct 2016 21:04:06 +0000 In reply to Allison.

Hi Allison. Thanks for your comment – and congrats on your upcoming nuptials. You say you can’t see where to turn things around but from the outside is pretty obvious that it’s the car loans. If you could get rid of them and trade down to smaller cars that you either pay cash for or get a small loan for, it sounds like your life could be very different. Is a car really worth your dreams for a family and a home? Maybe it is. I used to be so into cars, and now I drive a 1992 Daihatsu with broken electric windows and no AC. Because it cost $1000 and I finally realised that travelling with my family was more important than the car I drive. I’m sometimes ashamed of how old and ugly it is, but in those times I just try to focus on my goals.
If you want to email me direct with more details I’d be happy to talk further. My contact details at the top of the website.
Also – you need to pat yourself on the back. You are 27 and taking steps toward changing your financial future. That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many people don’t get their shit together until they are nearing retirement. You are going to be just fine, some hard work ahead, but you’ll get there!

By: Allison Sun, 16 Oct 2016 12:41:42 +0000 I could use some advice. I just turned 27 and am saving as I go to get married. We were blessed with a year and a half of time and the wedding expenses down to the plates are roughly at the cost of $8,000. Not bad! We’ve had help with people making things but other than that have paid for the wedding entirely on our own. We make similar incomes, full time, at $15 an hour. We both have car loans ($30,000 and $15,000). I have good credit, my fiancĂ© does not. He has very little debt/history of credit and I have history on top of $22,000 in student loans (paying off for the last 6 years). We very much want a home. We are quite simple and even looked into buying property and buying/ placing a modular home on it to lower costs. With our debt, history, and loans, owning a home sounds impossible. We very much want a family but don’t want to open that door until we are able to supply a stable home of our own…I don’t know where to begin to start and turn things around. We are home bodies so most meals are at home, we live pretty healthy and we commute to work in cars that roughly have 25mpg. I could very much use some advice and wisdom before I feel that I’ve slipped too far down the rabbit hole for my family. Thank you in advance.

By: Brad, Financial Coach Wed, 05 Oct 2016 10:14:17 +0000 Great post. “Feeling” the spend by using cash is a powerful way to pull the emotional side (rather than the math side) of people into the financial fitness endeavor.

By: Mrs. Picky PIncher Wed, 14 Sep 2016 15:51:49 +0000 It’s funny, I had to do this, too!

To kick my credit card habit I:

-Switched to a cash-only envelope system (a la Dave Ramsey). I did do auto-pay online for rent, utilities, etc.
-I physically locked my credit card in a safe so it wasn’t accessible.
-I shopped only with a friend (to keep me on track)

I do have to say that I tend to spend more when I have cash, for some reason. I’m way too lazy to count my money, so it always looks like I have more than I do. I realized I behave better when I can see my account balance online. It’s different for everyone; it’s about finding what works for you.

By: Kurt Tue, 06 Sep 2016 15:38:28 +0000 I prefer cash, but mainly because I’m the paranoid sort, and I don’t like the idea of all my purchases becoming part of marketers’ Big Data resource. Somehow I think this info will be used against me.

But I think you’re right–for those with a tendency to use credit cards unwisely, cash (or a debit card) is the way to go.

By: ZJ Thorne Tue, 06 Sep 2016 13:01:04 +0000 It’s fascinating that your parents’ attempt to help backfired on you since it was still so far removed from your own money and consequences. I wonder if they learned a lesson from this as well.

By: Kecia @ Online Income Mom Tue, 23 Aug 2016 15:59:27 +0000 I wish I had read this when I was younger. But I totally get what you mean. For me, everytime I was swiping that card, the thought of “oh, I’ll just pay for this later” was all that crossed my mind. Then….when LATER arrives, it’s like a punch in the gut! I still have some credit card debt that we are trying to pay off. I like the idea of just throwing your hard earned cash to it so it’s gone!
